Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how we lawfully, fairly and transparently collect any personal data from you, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018 and any other national implementing laws, regulations and secondary legislation, as amended or updated from time to time, in the UK (‘Data Protection Legislation’)

About Us

Creactive Design Ltd, Creactive Design (Engineering) Ltd and Creactive Design (Transport) Ltd

We are Design Consultants specialising in Engineering and Transport from concept design to production

We are registered in England and Wales as Limited Companies and our registered offices are: Highdown House, 11 Highdown Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV31 1XT
Creactive Design Ltd, Company Number 2373883
Creactive Design (Engineering) Ltd Company Number 07929315

Creactive Design (Transport) Ltd Company Number 07926519

How we may collect data from you

Creactive regards being contacted by you as consent for us to collect any personal information that is necessary for us to provide quotations and complete projects.

We will only ask for personal information if it is necessary for the services we are providing for you

How we use information about you

Data we collect from customers will be used to facilitate project work only. We will not share your data unless this is a project requirement or a collaborative project.

How we use your personal data

Creactive will only share your personal information if it is a necessary project requirement and then only relevant information will be shared. To further protect your interests, we aim to ensure that all our suppliers are compliant with GDPR. Any financial data on our accountancy software will be securely shared with our accountants. This information is always password protected and the password is not made known to anyone other than the accountant and us.

How we store your personal data

The data you provide is stored electronically on our systems and on our accountancy software. All data is password protected and secure. Creactive employees and company directors have access to this information. All financial data is kept for seven years providing there is no ongoing litigation. Following this period your details will be removed from our accountancy and banking systems.

Maintaining accurate and up to data records

Creactive will update their records with any change of information that is provided to them by you.

Your right to access, correct and delete your data

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you, rectify incorrect data and request personal data is deleted. To withdraw your consent, please email our data protection point of contact accounts@creactive‐ Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your personal information (personal data) for the purpose or purposes you originally agreed to, unless we need to maintain your records for legal purposes or ongoing litigation.

Your right to complain about the handling of your data

If you have any concerns or questions regarding this notice or you would like to speak to us about the manner in which we process your personal data, please email or company directors or administrator accounts@creactive‐ We will then log your complaint and investigate your concerns, keeping you informed, where possible, of our progress. Should your concern prove to be accurate, we will put in place new policies to ensure that the error will not reoccur.

You also have the right to report your concern to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO can be contacted via or write to them as follows:

Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House
Water Lane


SK19 5AF

Telephone 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745

Creactive is committed to the highest standard of data protection and is dedicated to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information/

This policy may be revised from time to time and was last updated on 28 May 2018

3 Years

General Correspondence
Employee Personnel Records (after termination) Employment Applications

7 Years

Correspondence with Customers and Vendors
Purchase Orders (other than Purchasing Department copy) Audit Reports
Internal Reports
Time Sheets
Accident Reports, Claims
Accounts Payable Ledgers and Schedules
Bank Statements and Reconciliations
Employment Tax Records
Expense Analysis
Expired Contracts, Leases
Inventories of Products, Materials, Supplies
Invoices to Customers
Payroll Records and Summaries
Plant Cost Ledgers
Purchasing Department Copies of Purchase Orders
Sales Records
Travel and Entertainment Records
Vouchers for Payments to Vendors, Employees, etc


Audit Reports from CPAs/Accountants Cash Books, Charts of Accounts Contracts, Leases Currently in Effect
Corporate Documents (incorporation, charter, bylaws, etc Documents substantiating fixed asset additions
Depreciation Schedules

Expired Insurance Policies
Financial Statements (Year End)
General and Private Ledgers, Year End Trial Balances Insurance Records, Current Accident Reports, Claims, Policies Journals
Legal Records, Correspondence and Other Important Matter Minutes Books of Directors and Stockholders
Mortgages, Bills of Sale
Project Records
Property Appraisals by Outside Appraisers
Property Records
Retirement and Pension Records
Tax Returns and Worksheets *
Trademark and Patent Registrations

*Tax records are not required to be kept forever, but situations may arise in the future where the information may be required